Shopping on!

Shopping on our site is completely safe and secure, all payments are made through PayPal.

PayPal is committed to handling your customer information with high standards of information security. Your credit card and bank account information are stored only in encrypted form on computers that are not connected to the Internet. We restrict access to your personally identifiable information to employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. We test our security systems regularly and also contract with outside companies to audit our security systems and processes. For more information on PayPal’s security practices, please visit the PayPal Security Center.

Shipping Terms!

All international orders (outside of Israel) are shipped via EMS – Express Mail Service of Israel. 

EMS, the guaranteed worldwide courier service, is an international expedited shipping option offered by the Israel Postal Authority and 200 postal administrations worldwide. Your order may take 15 to 21 working days to arrive or longer, depending on the country. Please note deliveries are taking up to 5 days to Europe. 

If you require other shipping options, please inquire with your order. Please know your country-s rules and regulations. We are not responsible for orders confiscated or stopped by Customs or trade restrictions.